

I dedicate this page to my loving Uncle, King Coyt Benson. Your time spent here on this Earth with me made a HUGE artistic impression on my life and I cherish every moment we spent together. May your creative spirit live forever in our hearts ❤

Graphic Design

Press and Media
The Adair Street Art Project (Atlanta, GA)
Shira "Norma Jean" Benson was commissioned by the Adair Park Community located in the West End of Atlanta to design and create Street Art Banners for the neighborhood. The purpose of this project was to bring safety to drivers and pedestrians in the inner city of Atlanta by slowing down traffic as drivers admire the beautiful artwork. The work is also reflective of the people who resides in Adair Park. Norma Jean had the pleasure of residing in this neighborhood during her early 20s. She created a banner that represents her beautiful encounters with her neighborhood friends.

Couture Productions Runway Show Backdrop
NC A and T State University Greensboro, NC
Designed by Norma Jean

"R E D  C L A Y (Vo1. 1)" Artwork by Norma Jean, Adult Coloring Book
Available on AMAZON.COM
For more information contact
We specialize in customized paintings, art, and graphic design.

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