I know my fans and friends have been wondering, where I've been and why I am not blogging? I have been working on a HUUUUGGGEEE project, one that will make all of my followers VERY happy for their patience!
I am about to release the MODE MONSTUR! You guys will be the first to know all the details for my up and coming clothing line !!!
I have been busy pursuing my dreams, flying with unicorns. Im sitting here trying to figure out what else to say to explain myself but I am more of a visual person. TAKE A LOOK!

Here are some proofs from my latest fashion shoot ;)
Also in other News ! I was featured on Ebony Magazine's website :) Trust me you guys are going to enjoy what I have in store for you.
Visit http://www.ebony.com/photos/style/ny-street-style#photo-21 to get a taste of what I am working on in New York!
Model: Steffanie Nnamani (New York)

I am working on big things here, BIG!
Norma Jean


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